This is a contributors guide and NOT a user guide. Please visit these docs if you are using or evaluating SuperTokens.
This needs to be executed with migrating/creating a new MySQL RDS instance. This is for API Layer (and not for SAAS)- MySQL version: 8.0.23
- Option groups: default:mysql-8-0
- Parameter group: default.mysql8.0
- Create 2 users (apart from the root user)
- accessMaster: should have sudo access to a the DB (only one database, not the RDS)
- executionMaster: should have read/write access to the DB tables (should not be able to drop/delete/add tables)
- have a procedure that runs periodically to remove stale connection (check below)
- for retool if requried, create a separate user that only has read access to the DB tables. The user should also have a cap on how many active connections it can create.
- add tags:
- VantaContainsUserData: true
- VantaDescription: ...
- VantaOwner:
- Add CloudWatch Alarms
- FreeableMemory Alarm
- Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} FreeableMemory
- Type: Metric alarm
- Namespace: AWS/RDS
- Metric name: FreeableMemory
- DBInstanceIdentifier: {{db-instance-identifier}}
- Statistic: Minimum
- Period: 15 minutes
- Threshold type: Static
- Whenever FreeableMemory is...: Lower
- than…: 52428800
- Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatch_Alarms_RDS
- FreeStorageSpace Alarm
- Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} FreeStorageSpace
- Type: Metric alarm
- Namespace: AWS/RDS
- Metric name: FreeStorageSpace
- DBInstanceIdentifier: {{db-instance-identifier}}
- Statistic: Minimum
- Period: 15 minutes
- Threshold type: Static
- Whenever FreeStorageSpace is...: Lower
- than…: 1073741824
- Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatch_Alarms_RDS
- CPUUtilization Alarm
- Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} CPUUtilization
- Type: Metric alarm
- Namespace: AWS/RDS
- Metric name: CPUUtilization
- DBInstanceIdentifier: {{db-instance-identifier}}
- Statistic: Maximum
- Period: 15 minutes
- Threshold type: Static
- Whenever CPUUtilization is...: Greater
- than…: 80
- Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatch_Alarms_RDS
- ReadIOPS Alarm
- Name: db-{{RDS-cluster-name}} ReadIOPS
- Type: Metric alarm
- Namespace: AWS/RDS
- Metric name: ReadIOPS
- DBInstanceIdentifier: {{db-instance-identifier}}
- Statistic: Maximum
- Period: 15 minutes
- Threshold type: Static
- Whenever ReadIOPS is...: Greater
- than…: 1000
- Select an existing SNS topic: CloudWatch_Alarms_RDS
- FreeableMemory Alarm
- reference sql file with minimum set of queries:
CREATE DATABASE supertokens;
CREATE USER 'executionMaster'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'to_be_replaced_with_execution_master_password';
CREATE USER 'accessMaster'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'to_be_replaced_with_access_master_password';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'accessMaster'@'%';
use supertokensDELIMITER //CREATE PROCEDURE remove_stale_connections()BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE id_to_remove bigint(21) unsigned; DECLARE supertokens_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT id FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE time > 250; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; open supertokens_cursor; read_loop: LOOP FETCH supertokens_cursor INTO id_to_remove; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; CALL mysql.rds_kill(id_to_remove); END LOOP;
close supertokens_cursor;END//DELIMITER ;CREATE EVENT remove_stale_connections ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MINUTE DO CALL remove_stale_connections();